Staff Offshoring

Staff Offshoring Solutions for UAE Companies

Speed up business operations, reduce costs, and get the top-notch teams and calibers your organization deserves. All with IntelliTalent Hub’s team offshoring services.

Cut Costs and Hire Teams from Egypt

Get a tailored SEO strategy for your business with clear objectives and results. Our SEO services help you build brand awareness, trust and authority, rank higher on Google, and generate monthly organic traffic. You’ll also get reports detailing your website’s monthly and quarterly performance.
The proof is in the numbers

Staff Offshoring Numbers

$2 million

is the total amount IBM saved after outsourcing some business operations


of small businesses outsource their IT and digital marketing needs


of small businesses outsource their HR team

Why Use IntelliTalent Hub’s Staff Offshoring Services?

Cost-effective offshoring

IntelliTalent Hub’s staff offshoring solutions ensure cost-optimized hiring for individuals and teams. We work with the best candidates so we ensure great results for your company.

Experience managing teams

Our team has decades of experience building and managing teams. We help you build and manage your team in Egypt to ensure efficient operations. IntelliTalent Hub will also provide you with monthly staff reports and KPIs to ensure we are all on the right track and to consistently meet your needs.

Local salary surveys

You don’t have to worry about overpaying or underpaying employees. Through our partners, we provide salary survey data for every field so you know how much you need to invest in your new team.

Psychometric tests for managers

Want to hire a manager for your team? We use psychometric tests to ensure senior candidates have the soft and hard skills needed to manage a team and generate results.